Twitter's Inappropriate Mom @NicFit75 in Rock N Roll Cheeseburger Episode 23

Nic “Inappropriate Mom” Fit75 joins us in Burgerville for our Episode 23 twitter party.

Rock N Roll Cheeseburger Episode 23!  We’ve got twitter’s Inappropriate Mom this week!  Nic (@nicfit75) gets inappropriate with our round-table discussions, as we talk:  Online Dating,  Dog Parks,  Friend Boundaries,  and  Bar Fights.  Our stereotype-laden fake sponsor this week is Don’s Gay Apparel!  And we rock super heavy rock jamz with #RRCB favorite Monolord‘s “Audhumbla”, and also 1980s-90s metalheads’ favorite Pantera‘s “War Nerve”.  Our sketch this week features the vocal hilarity of Jared Quay Campbell as heard in Rock N Roll Cheeseburger Episode 5, as he commentates on NicFit75’s Twitter Court.  And, before we go, Nic gives us Christmas in March!


Rock N Roll Cheeseburger with Kyle Duncan Graham, Valerie Tosi, Juan Manuel Rocha, Dan Lawler, and Tikku Sircar.

Rock N Roll Cheeseburger Ep 18 with Juan Manuel Rocha of Comics On Comics!

Rock N Roll Cheeseburger Episode 18!  Juan Manuel Rocha, host of the Comics on Comics podcast and general nerd overlord, grills up the nerdgasms in the Burger Dome this week.  We debate some pressing issues in society, including:  Dynasty fans, the  X-Files reboot,  Music festivals,  and Magic: The Gathering!  We distribute some rock musack to your ear buttons, playing a brand new release from Rock Burger favorites Monolord with their jam “Cursing The One”, and also a rad live track from Fat Elvis called “Fire At Will”.  Ep 18 is fake-sponsored by the kind & caring folks at the “Stríppumé” stripper résumé service.  And we present an hilarious fan-fiction crossover sketch called “X-Men Interviews”!  Just grab a burger, click play and thank us later.


Rock N Roll Cheeseburger Episode 016 Audio Sketch Comedy Clipshow

Dan & Kyle take a stroll through our fictional burgerville of St. Capitalsburgh.

Rock N Roll Cheeseburger Episode 16!  Dan and Kyle take a proverbial stroll through Rock N Roll Cheeseburger’s beloved fictional home town of  “St. Capitalsburgh” in our 2014 review clip-show.  Get a listen to our commercial parodies for a zombie-proof cemetery, a paid research study for Tyrannosaurus Rexes, and various mom & pop drug fronts!  And we feature our original comedy sketches, including a game show with Carrot Top & a goat, a town hall debate between a cyborg & a warlock, and the entire opening three chapters of our noir mini-comedy-drama “Bilby Sullivan, Junior Detective”!

Since this episode is a clip-show of our first 15 shows, we hear super totes hilariballs character voices from RRCB pals & patriots Tommy BechtoldJared CampbellKarl HessCelia FinkelsteinValerie TosiPeyton ClarksonJackie Monahan,  and of course Kyle Duncan GrahamDan Lawler,  and Tikku Sircar.

Someone call the slambulance!


Peyton Clarkson in Rock N Roll Cheeseburger Episode 14 Christmas!

Peyton Clarkson walks his high heels into the Burger Dome for a very cheesy X Mas show!

Rock N Roll Cheeseburger Episode 14!  Mr. Comedypants Peyton Clarkson moonwalks into Burgerville for our Holiday Celebration!  This week, we kick some pressing issues around the room, including:  Snooping on presents,  “Orphan Christmas”,  Adults who make un-ironic Christmas lists,  Christmas trees,  and more!  We rock some bruising slamcuts with “Andy Low” by Torche, and “Space Cadet” by Mossbreaker.  Episode fourteen is sponsored by the St. Capitalsburgh biennial Wizard Town & Beef Picnic.  And we hear a very special trilogy chapter of our audio noir sketch series “Bilby Sullivan: Junior Detective”.


Rock N Roll Cheeseburger Episode Twelve with Vaerie Tosi and Tommy Bechtold

Practitioners of hilariocity Valerie Tosi & Tommy Bechtold do the burger rock Episode 12.

Rock N Roll Cheeseburger Episode 12!  We welcome a sweet & sensual pair of hilariousnessociters to the Burger Dome this week, with Valerie Tosi and our first returning guest Tommy Bechtold!  We drink around the table on such pressing issues in society as Cool Ways To Die,  Mystery Orgasm Thud,  Jared Leto’s Joker and Internet Plagiarism.  Our sponsored commercial parody this week comes from ManMaids, a fine service for those with dirty homes & dirtier minds.  And we present to you a riveting & romantic gameshow from the fine folks at YourPerfectestMatch.Website.  Music this week comes from Wrong with their song “Call It”, and RRCB favorite Monolord with their tune “Harbinger of Death”.


Rock N Roll Cheeseburger episode 11 Thanksgiving with Velcron

It’s Thanksgiving time in Burgerville & Velcron is bringing the Northwestern angst to the table!

Rock N Roll Cheeseburger Episode Eleven! Washingtonian rock band Velcron joins us in-studio for our special Thanksgiving episode, as we talk:  Tryptophan,  Turkey Tits,  Planes, Trains & Automobiles,  and Pilgrim Sex.  We hear a pair of songs from Velcron (M.A. Russell, Matt Haeuser, Kyle Duncan Graham) with  “Getting Over You”,  as well as a live, acoustic version of their tune-buggy “We Are Doomed”.  And we hear commercial parodies from our non-sponsor MacTaggart’s Fine Fashions and much more!  EAT TURKEY,  ROCK JAMZ.


Rock N Roll Cheeseburger Ep 10 with Celia Finkelstein

Celia Finkelstein enters the burger dome for Rock N Roll Cheeseburger’s 10th episode.

Rock N Roll Cheeseburger Episode Ten!!  Hollywood character actress & good human person Celia Finkelstein joins the gang for our decisode.  This week, we go round-table on Bad Advice from Friends, Craig Ferguson & Metallica, Cognitive Dissonance, and Oil Pulling.  We roll rad rocks  with “One Hand On The Wheel” by San Angelus,  and “Burn” by Fused By Defiance.  This week we run previews for some possibly-upcoming sketch madness, as episode 10 is sponsored by ourselves… wait what?…  And we bring you the very special segment, Beat Poetry Night At The Blue Bone Daddy.  (Ep 10 cover art features the gang’s heads pasted of classic images of Marilyn Monroe, Elvis Presley, Audrey Hepburn, The Fonz, and James Dean.)


Markeia McCarty in episode 6 of Rock N Roll Cheeseburger

Markeia McCarty joins the cast for episode 6 of Rock N Roll Cheeseburger!

Rock N Roll Cheeseburger Episode Six!  Markeia McCarty gets burgery wit it for our sixth episode, while we spitball on these pressing issues in society & more: Garbage Pizza,  Dogmatics vs. Second Guessers,  Street Harassment, and Every Band Has At Least One Good Song?  We also hear a word from this week’s fake sponsor, the Langley Swap Meet, and we hear another original comedy sketch with our Star Wars parody The Droids We Were Looking For.  We hear some killer rock tunes in ep. 6 with “Audhumbla” by Monolord and “Blue Benz” by The Big Surprise.  Strap in and press play, as we exude the force of the burger rock.

Check out Markeia McCarty on Twitter, and on AfterBuzzTV.com.


Rock N Roll Cheeseburger Episode 5 with Jared Campbell

Jared Quay Campbell in Episode 5 of the Rock N Roll Cheeseburger podcast!

Rock N Roll Cheeseburger Episode Five!  Stand-up comedian and free safety Jared Campbell saunters into the burger dome, as he & the gang go round-table on: Mother-Daughter Relationships, Marijuana Legalization, Good Break-ups, and California’s Plastic Bag Laws.  Also featured in episode five is Chapter 2 of our original noir audio sketch comedy series “Bilby Sullivan; Junior Detective”, and a commercial parody for Low-Speed Scooter Crashes.  Episode 5 music includes “Audhumbla” by Monolord, “By Our Current Standards” by Choirs, and “Self-Made Hero” by Dirty Machine.  Listen to the show, follow on the twitters:
Jared Campbell on twitter,
Kyle Duncan Graham on twitter,
Jackie Monahan on twitter,
Dan Lawler on twitter,
Tikku Sircar on twitter,
and of course  – Rock N Roll Cheeseburger on twitter!