Rock N Roll Cheeseburger Ep 10 with Celia Finkelstein

Celia Finkelstein enters the burger dome for Rock N Roll Cheeseburger’s 10th episode.

Rock N Roll Cheeseburger Episode Ten!!  Hollywood character actress & good human person Celia Finkelstein joins the gang for our decisode.  This week, we go round-table on Bad Advice from Friends, Craig Ferguson & Metallica, Cognitive Dissonance, and Oil Pulling.  We roll rad rocks  with “One Hand On The Wheel” by San Angelus,  and “Burn” by Fused By Defiance.  This week we run previews for some possibly-upcoming sketch madness, as episode 10 is sponsored by ourselves… wait what?…  And we bring you the very special segment, Beat Poetry Night At The Blue Bone Daddy.  (Ep 10 cover art features the gang’s heads pasted of classic images of Marilyn Monroe, Elvis Presley, Audrey Hepburn, The Fonz, and James Dean.)


Greg Walloch in Rock N Roll Cheeseburger Episode 004

Greg Walloch on Rock N Roll Cheeseburger Episode 4

Rock N Roll Cheeseburger Episode Four! Greg Walloch joins the cast for the fourth installment of the burgerings. Featured in Ep. 4 are discussions on terrible airline passengers, domestic abuse & the NFL, “Orthorexia”, and the good kind of crazy, along with rad rock music from local basasses Living Dead Lights, as well as Rochester, NY’s own Starlight Cities.  Jackie, Dan, Kyle & Greg are all put to shame as Tikku hits the nail on the head with his Sixty Second Story Time, and a few things you might have missed on the internet.