Rock N Roll Cheeseburger season finale with Tommy Bechtold

Season one comes to a close with returning mayor of maniacal musings, Tommy Bechtold!

Rock N Roll Cheeseburger Episode 25!  Tommy Bechtold spelunks into the burger dome for his third RRCB episode and our Season One Finale, and he brings Val’s mom with him!?  This week’s pressing issues in society are  Out-Of-Town Guests,  Unsustainability,  Bro-Night Stands,  and  Hangover Cures.  We have our first honest to goodness sponsorship this week, from the hilariously stylish folks at Bob Heller Tees!  We spin beefy rock tunes with Byron Blocker‘s “Echo Park” and Boom Said Thunder‘s “Modern Girls”.  And we dive into the perilous depths of co-hostess Valerie Tosi‘s mind in this week’s comedy sketch “Brain Date”.  Come hang with us at the New Orleans tweetup April 16-20, where co-hosts Dan Lawler and Valerie Tosi will be performing in the Comics Of Twitter stand-up show!  And we’ll be back inside your ear satchels after our spring break!


Jordan Rubin in Rock N Roll Cheeseburger episode 24 with Kyle Duncan Graham, Dan Lawler, Tikku Sircar, Valerie Tosi, Zombeavers

Jordan Rubin, hilarious Writer / Director of “Zombeavers” drops in for a beaveburger.

Rock N Roll Cheeseburger Episode 24!  Jordan Rubin, writer & director of the horror / comedy film Zombeavers gets his beave on in burgerville this week.  We go round table on such pressing issues in society as Facing Danger,  Primal Behaviors,  Mom Strength,  and  Deforestation.  We are sponsored this week by the fine folks over at Power Snack.  Our comedy sketch involves martians, marijuana and a guy named Morty.  And we rock rad tune buggies from the band Reuben with “Freddy Kreuger”, and from Los Angeles locals Bed with “Goodnight”.  Zombeavers hits theaters & Video On Demand on Friday, March 20, 2015.  If you’re in L.A. on March 18th, grab tickets for the Los Angeles premiere of Zombeavers here.


Razzle in Rock N Roll Cheeseburger Ep 20 with Kyle Duncan Graham, Dan Lawler, Tikku Sircar, and Celia Finkelstein.

Razzle rocks the Burger Dome fast & furiously in our 20th episode.

Rock N Roll Cheeseburger Episode 20!  Razzle Dangerously waxes his fabulous mustache while returning guest host Celia Finkelstein laughs away from the microphone about it.  We rally ’round the table with these pressing issues in society:  Birthdays (on Facebook),  Fast & Furious 7,  Littering,  and Dan plays a game with our website comment section.  Our imaginary sponsor this week is the St. Capitalsburgh 27th annual “Chili Cook-off”.  We travel to a classical sci-fi version of Earth’s moon to battle radioactive kittens in this week’s comedy sketch.  And we rawk some killer roll this week with song slivers like “Lightsabre Cocksucking Blues” by Mclusky, and “Volcanoes” by Freeze The Atlantic.


Rock N Roll Cheeseburger Episode 016 Audio Sketch Comedy Clipshow

Dan & Kyle take a stroll through our fictional burgerville of St. Capitalsburgh.

Rock N Roll Cheeseburger Episode 16!  Dan and Kyle take a proverbial stroll through Rock N Roll Cheeseburger’s beloved fictional home town of  “St. Capitalsburgh” in our 2014 review clip-show.  Get a listen to our commercial parodies for a zombie-proof cemetery, a paid research study for Tyrannosaurus Rexes, and various mom & pop drug fronts!  And we feature our original comedy sketches, including a game show with Carrot Top & a goat, a town hall debate between a cyborg & a warlock, and the entire opening three chapters of our noir mini-comedy-drama “Bilby Sullivan, Junior Detective”!

Since this episode is a clip-show of our first 15 shows, we hear super totes hilariballs character voices from RRCB pals & patriots Tommy BechtoldJared CampbellKarl HessCelia FinkelsteinValerie TosiPeyton ClarksonJackie Monahan,  and of course Kyle Duncan GrahamDan Lawler,  and Tikku Sircar.

Someone call the slambulance!


Greg Walloch in Rock N Roll Cheeseburger Episode 004

Greg Walloch on Rock N Roll Cheeseburger Episode 4

Rock N Roll Cheeseburger Episode Four! Greg Walloch joins the cast for the fourth installment of the burgerings. Featured in Ep. 4 are discussions on terrible airline passengers, domestic abuse & the NFL, “Orthorexia”, and the good kind of crazy, along with rad rock music from local basasses Living Dead Lights, as well as Rochester, NY’s own Starlight Cities.  Jackie, Dan, Kyle & Greg are all put to shame as Tikku hits the nail on the head with his Sixty Second Story Time, and a few things you might have missed on the internet.